Monday, September 17, 2012


The finished product, cinnamon & sugar bagels

This weekend I made bagels! I read another blog called Cupcakes & Cashmere, and last week the writer shared a recipe to make bagels. The pictures of the bagel process looked so neat, and I knew I just had to try them out! The recipe seemed easy enough, not too many ingredients and the steps seemed straightforward.

on the left: forming the bagel dough balls, on the right: the formed bagels with the holes

I forgot to buy sesame or poppy seeds to dust the top with, so instead I just mixed up some cinnamon and sugar and sprinkled that on the top of the bagels. (Toppings for the bagel could be whatever you like, garlic, onions, cheese etc. The possibilities are endless) I think next time I would boil them a bit longer to really get that chewy bagel inside. Otherwise, they were a total hit! My ten year old sister just loved them, warm, not even toasted with a bit of lovely butter.

Find the recipe HERE

Happy baking! This is a great Saturday or Sunday morning treat for the family or a friend!

on the left: the bagels once out of the water, on the right: boiling the bagels

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