When I first stared my George Brown Chef School program last January (2011), I had the pleasure of being taught by one of my favourite chefs, Chef Walker! Chef Walker has an incredible garden and would always share stories about what she had planted, or what was coming into season. With constant garden photos loaded up to Facebook, I was always in awe and jealous of not only the gorgeous produce but the incredible garden she had built!
I live in a condo, so that means no real garden for me. (One day though I will have a full fledged garden, that is a definite culinary challenge dream!) But after a beautiful mother's day Sunday at the Brickworks, my mom helped me to realize that this was the summer to finally get my mini garden going!!
I get so sick of buying large quantities of herbs at the grocery store (because as you probably all know, they don't come in smaller packages!) and throwing them out if I don't use the whole bunch in time. I also hate not having all types of herbs around because I never know what I will be making!
This summer that will all change! I have planted rosemary, basil, mint, thyme, Italian parsley and a beautiful pot of chives which will also bloom the gorgeous purple coloured chive flowers!
This really was so simple to do, buy the herbs from a local green grocer, along with a bag of dirt and away you go! Pot away, water and keep in the sun! Herbs all summer long! I am SO excited to cook with the bounty from my balcony!
Happy gardening and happy eating!!
This is my first year trying an herb garden too! I have planted basil, oregano, mint and rosemary. I am looking forward to wonderful fresh herbs all summer long.